July 16 – September 18, 2022
“More Than Meet the Eye” +3 Gallery 10th anniversary exhibition
at The Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing, China.

March 12 – May 13, 2016
“Scripts of The Bodies: From the Collection of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre”
at Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, China
2016年3月12日[土] – 5月13日[金]
三影堂厦門 (アモイ) 撮影芸術中心で開催されるコレクション展
「Scripts of The Bodies: From the Collection of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre」
2016年3月12日[星期六] – 5月13日[星期五]

June 28 – August 2, 2015
One of Hisaji Hara and Natsumi Hayashi‘s new collaboration works was showed
at “The 2nd Three Shadows Experimental Image Open Exhibition” in Beijing, China.
2015年6月28日[日] – 8月2日[日]

April 24 – 26, 2015
[art kyoto 2015] at the Museum of Kyoto
Hisaji Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM.
2015年4月24日(金) – 26日(日)
京都文化博物館で開催されたart kyoto 2015に原久路の作品が展示されました。 MEMのブースにて。

June 13 – July 5, 2014
Hara’s solo exhibition [A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus] was held at GALLERY JINSUN in Seoul.
Opening Reception: June 13, 17:00-
Artist Talk: June 14, 14:00- (Reservation required)
原久路の個展「A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus」が開催されました。
オープニングレセプション: 6月13日[金] 17:00~
アーティストトーク: 6月14日[土] 14:00~ (要予約)

April 25, 2014
Hara’s work appeared in a Japanese art magazine “Art Collectors” No.62, May 2014 issue.
Hara’s work is also on the cover of the magazine.
美術雑誌「アートコレクターズ」No.62 (2014年5月号) に原久路の作品が掲載され、作品が本誌の表紙になりました。

March 27, 2014
Hisaji Hara wrote an essay for the April issue of the Japanese magazine “Eureka” features Balthus.
原久路がエッセイを寄稿しました。雑誌『ユリイカ』(青土社刊) 4月号「特集*バルテュス」

March 20 – May 17, 2014
Hisaji Hara’s one of albumen prints from the series “A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus” were exhibited in the group show “THE COLLECTION” at gallery bauhaus, Tokyo.
御茶ノ水にあるgallery bauhausで開催されるグループ展「THE COLLECTION」に原久路の作品”A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus”より鶏卵プリント作品が出展されました。

January 25 – March 22, 2014
Hara’s solo exhibition [After Balthus] at Danziger Gallery in New York.
ニューヨークのDanziger Galleryにて
原久路の個展「After Balthus」が開催されました。

November 17, 2013
One of Hara’s works is housed in the New Miniature Museum at the Gemeentemuseum The Hague, the Netherlands.

November 14 – 17, 2013
Hara’s works were exhibited in the stand C43 (MEM gallery).
パリのグラン・パレで開催されたPARIS PHOTO 2013に原久路の作品が展示されました。

Oct 3 – 7, 2013
[KIAF2013] at the1F Hall A&B, COEX, Seoul.
Hara’s work were exhibited in the booth of MEM gallery (in the booth B8).

September 26 – 29, 2013
[Unseen Photo Fair] at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.
Hara’s work were exhibited in the booth of Galerie Alex Daniels – Reflex Amsterdam.
アムステルダムのWestergasfabriekで開催されるUnseen Photo Fairに
Galerie Alex Daniels – Reflex Amsterdamのブースにて。

July 20 – 21, 2013
[ART OSAKA 2013] at the Hotel Granvia, Osaka.
Hara’s work were exhibited in room 6011- MEM gallery’s room.
ホテルグランヴィア大阪で開催されるアートフェアART OSAKA 2013に
MEMギャラリーの展示室: 6311号室にて。

June 5 – 11, 2013
Hara’s solo exhibition [From the series “A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus”] at Matsuzakaya art gallery in Nagoya.

March 23 – May 21, 2013
Hara’s solo exhibition [A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus] at Galerie Alex Daniels – Reflex Amsterdam in Amsterdam.
オランダ・アムステルダムのギャラリー・アレックス・ダニエルズ – リフレックス・アムステルダムにて
原久路の個展「A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus」が開催されました。

April 26 – 28, 2013
[Paris Photo Los Angeles] at the Paramount Pictures Studios in Los Angeles.
Hara’s work were exhibited in the booth of MEM gallery (in the stand 17 of Stage 31).
ロサンゼルスのパラマウント・ピクチャーズスタジオで開催されるParis Photo Los Angelesに
MEMギャラリーのブース(Stage 31内・stand 17)にて。

November 15 – 18, 2012
PARIS PHOTO 2012 at GRAND PALAIS, Paris Hara’s works were exhibited in the booth D43 (MEM gallery).
パリのグラン・パレで開催されたPARIS PHOTO 2012に原久路の作品が展示されました。

September 28 – Oct 1st, 2012
TOKYO PHOTO 2012 at Tokyo Midtown Hall, Roppongi
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
The admission fee to the TOKYO PHOTO 2012 is 1,500 yen (1,300 yen for students).
東京ミッドタウンで開催されたTOKYO PHOTO 2012に原久路の作品が展示されました。
TOKYO PHOTO 2012 入場料: 一般1500円/学生1300円

September 28, 2012, 17:45~18:45
Hara participated in an talk (Japanese version) at the TOKYO PHOTO 2012.
Hara will talk with Taka Kawachi (the chief director of the amana photo collection).
Venue: Tokyo Midtown Hall, Roppongi
The admission fee to the TOKYO PHOTO 2012 is 1,500 yen (1,300 yen for students).
2012年9月28日(金) 17:45~18:45
TOKYO PHOTO 2012で開催されるトークイベントに参加しました。
原久路 × 河内タカ(amana photo collectionチーフ・ディレクター)
会場: 東京ミッドタウンホール
TOKYO PHOTO 2012 入場料: 一般1500円/学生1300円

August 28, 2012, 19:00~
Hara participated in a commemorative live talk event (Japanese version) for the first issue of IMA photo magazine (Click!) published by amana holdings inc.
Hara will talk with Mutsuko Ohta (the editor in chief of IMA) and Taka Kawachi (the chief director of the amana photo collection).
Venue: Kinokuniya Bookstore Shinjuku Minami branch (Click!). Admission free (No reservations necessary).
株式会社アマナホールディングス発行の写真雑誌「IMA」(Click!) vol.1 創刊記念イベントとして紀伊國屋書店新宿南店 (Click!) で開催されるライブトークに原久路が出演しました。IMA編集長・太田睦子さん、amana photo collectionチーフ・ディレクター・河内タカさんとのライブトークです。(会費無料・予約不要)

May 19 through July 07, 2012
Hara’s solo exhibition [A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus] at ROSEGALLERY in Los Angeles. (Click!)
ロサンゼルスのローズギャラリーにて原久路の個展「A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus」が開催されました。 (Click!)

July 7 – 8, 2012
“ART OSAKA 2012” the Hotel Granvia, Osaka.
(English version) (Click!)
ホテルグランヴィア大阪にて開催中のアートフェア「ART OSAKA 2012」に原久路の作品が展示されました。 (Click!)

June 23 – July 4, 2012
“Shibuya Futurists Manifesto” The Bunkamura Gallery, Tokyo.
(English version) (Click!)
東京・渋谷のBunkamura Galleryにて開催中のグループ展「澁谷未來派宣言」に原久路の作品が展示されました。 (Click!)

May 8, 2012
Hara’s interview appeared in a TV program “AMAZING CHINA” produced by Blue Ocean Network in China.
(English version) (Click!)
中国のBONネットワーク制作のテレビ番組「AMAZING CHINA」で原久路のインタビューが放送されました。 (Click!)

May 3, 2012

Hara’s work is on the cover of “FANTOM” (Click!) magazine ISSUE 09 – SPRING 2012.
原久路の作品がイタリアの写真雑誌「FANTOM」(Click!) ISSUE 09の表紙になりました。

April 28, 2012
Hara’s interview appeared in the “TimeOut Beijing” May 2012 issue. (English version) (Click!)
カルチャーマガジン「TimeOut Beijing」2012年5月号に原久路のインタビューが掲載されました。 (Click!)

April 21 – June 15, 2012
Hara’s solo exhibition [Symphony of Time and Light] at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing. (Click!)
北京の三影堂撮影芸術中心にて原久路の個展「Symphony of Time and Light」が開催されました。 (Click!)

April 20, 2012
Hara’s interview and a featured article appeared in a Japanese photography magazine “PHaT PHOTO” Vol. 69, May-June 2012 issue. (Japanese version) (Click!)
写真雑誌「ファット フォト」Vol. 69 (2012年5-6月号) に原久路の特集記事とインタビューが掲載されました。 (Click!)

April 20, 2012

Hara’s work is on the cover of a Japanese novel “The Kafka-style Workbook” by Kazushi Hosaka,
published by Bungeishunju Ltd. (Japanese version) (Click!)

April 1, 2012

Hara’s interview and a featured article appeared in a Chinese photography magazine “CHINESE PHOTOGRAPHY” April 2012 issue.
Hara’s work is also on the cover of the magazine. (Chinese version) (Click!)
中国の写真雑誌「中国撮影 CHINESE PHOTOGRAPHY」2012年4月号に原久路の特集記事とインタビューが掲載され、作品が本誌の表紙になりました。(Click!)

March 25, 2012
Hara’s interview appeared in a Chinese art magazine “SONG YA FENG THAT’S ART” April 2012 issue.
(Chinese version) (Click!)
中国の美術雑誌「颂雅风 艺术月刊 THAT’S ART」2012年4月号に原久路のインタビューが掲載されました。 (Click!)

March 25, 2012
Hara’s work appeared in a Japanese art magazine “Art Collector” No. 36, March 2012 issue.
美術雑誌「アートコレクター」No. 36 (2012年3月号) に原久路の作品が掲載されました。

March 14, 2012
Hara’s long interview appeared in a French web magazine “PHOTOGRAPHIE.COM.”
(French & English version) (Click!)

February 26, 2012
Sean O’Hagan wrote a review in a British newspaper “The Observer,” detailing Hara’s solo show at Michael Hoppen Contemporary, London.
(English version) (Click!)
イギリスの新聞「The Observer」紙の文化欄に原久路の個展のレヴューが掲載されました。(Click!)

February 24 – March 31, 2012
Hara’s solo exhibition at Michael Hoppen Gallery in London. (Click!)
ロンドンのマイケル・ホッペン・ギャラリーで原久路の個展が開催されました。 (Click!)

February 24 – 26, 2012
[TOKYO FRONTLINE 2012](Click!) at 3331 Arts Chiyoda(Click!)
Hara’s works were exhibited in the booth of MEM gallery.
3331 Arts Chiyoda(Click!)で開催されるアートフェアTOKYO FRONTLINE 2012(Click!)に

January 11 – 30, 2012
[PORTRAITS] at ART GALLERY X in Takashimaya, Nihonbashi
2 pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited.
日本橋髙島屋 美術画廊Xで開催された「PORTRAITS」(Click!) にて

November 10 – 13, 2011
[PARIS PHOTO 2011] (Click!) at GRAND PALAIS (Click!)
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
パリのグラン・パレ(Click!)で開催されたPARIS PHOTO 2011(Click!)に

September 30 – October 3, 2011
[TAIWAN PHOTO 2011] (Click!) at ShinKong Mitsukoshi (Click!) in Taipei
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
台北の新光三越(Click!)で開催されたTAIWAN PHOTO 2011(Click!)に

September 23 – 25, 2011
[TOKYO PHOTO 2011] (Click!) at Tokyo Midtown (Click!)
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
東京ミッドタウン(Click!)で開催されたTOKYO PHOTO 2011(Click!)に

September 8 – 11, 2011
[VARIA NAGOYA ART FAIR 2011] (Click!) at Matsuzakaya (Click!)
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
名古屋 松坂屋(Click!)で開催されたVARIA NAGOYA ART FAIR 2011(Click!)に

September 3 – October 2, 2011
[Picture, Photography and Beyond] at the MEM gallery, Tokyo. Hara’s solo exhibition. (Click!)
原久路 展「Picture, Photography and Beyond」を MEMギャラリー(Click!) にて開催しました。

July 8 – 10, 2011
[ART OSAKA 2011] (Click!) at Hotel Granvia Osaka (Click!)
Hara’s works were exhibited at the booth of MEM gallery.
ホテルグランヴィア大阪(Click!)で開催されたアートフェアART OSAKA 2011(Click!)に

May 30, 2011
Hara’s interview appeared in the “Photography Annual 2011 (Published by Nippon Camera-sha).”
(Japanese version) (Click!)
日本カメラ社刊「写真年鑑2011」の [インタビュー特集-この人]に、

May 10, 2011
Hara’s work was featured in the Chinese Art Magazine “ZHI JP.”
(Chinese version) (Click!)
原久路の作品が中国のアート誌「知日 ZHI JP.」の特集で掲載されました。(Click!)

May 3 – 23, 2011
[The Exhibition of Contemporary Photography: Japan, China, South Korea]
Five pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited.

April 21 – 24, 2011
[SEOUL PHOTO 2011] (Click!)
At the Coex 1F, B Hall, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Five pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited.
ソウルで開催されるフェア「SEOUL PHOTO 2011」(Click!)にて

April 10, 2011
Hara wrote a book review of the autobiography of Balthus. (Japanese version) (Click!)
The Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper ran the review on April 10, 2011
“Mémoires de Balthus”
Author: Balthus, Alain Vircondelet
Publisher: Editions du Rocher (2001)
Japanese translation: published by Kawadeshobou Shinsya (2011)
バルテュス/アラン・ヴィルコンドレ 著
鳥取 絹子 訳

Mach 26, 2011
[New Book]
“THIS IS PHOTOGRAPHY! – CHRONICLE 2010” (Japanese version) (Click!)
Hara’s exhibition at gallery bauhaus is in it.
Author: Kōtarō Iizawa
Publisher: Atelierthird
飯沢耕太郎著 「これが写真だ!クロニクル2010」(Click!)
原久路「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」▼gallery bauhaus

February 17 – 20, 2011
[TOKYO FRONTLINE](Click!) at 3331 Arts Chiyoda(Click!)
Five pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited in the booth of gallery MEM in the GYM section.
3331 Arts Chiyoda(Click!)で開催中のアートフェアTOKYO FRONTLINE(Click!)に

December 10, 2010
Hara participated a gallery talk session at the gallery bauhaus, Tokyo on the occasion of the exhibition “THE COLLECTION.” (Japanese version) (Click!)
gallery bauhaus(Click!)で開催中の 4周年記念特別展「THE COLLECTION」にて

November 4, 2010 – January 29, 2011
[THE COLLECTION] at the galley bauhaus, Tokyo.
5 pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited. (Japanese version) (Click!)
gallery bauhaus(Click!)で開催中の4周年記念特別展「THE COLLECTION」(Click!)にて

September 30, 2010
Hara’s work was used for the cover of The Collected Poems of Keiko Karasaku. (Japanese version) (Click!)
Publisher: Shoshi Yamada
詩人 唐作桂子さんの詩集『断食の月』(書肆山田刊) (Click!)
の表紙に原久路の作品「A study of “The Room”」が使用されました。

September 28, 2010
The koe-magazine ran an interview with Hisaji Hara “The Fog of Time” in it’s September issue (bilingual). (Click!)

July 30 – August 14, 2010
[EXHIBITION-NOTAN] at the Oto galley, Osaka. (Click!)
6 pieces of Hara’s works were exhibited.

May 15, 2010
Photography critic Kōtarō Iizawa wrote a review of Hara’s exhibition in the “artscape” magazine . (Japanese version) (Click!)
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」のレビューを書いてくださいました。

May 11, 2010
The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper introduced Hara’s exhibition “A Photographic Portrayal on the Paintings of Balthus II.”
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」
読売新聞 夕刊 [City Life] に掲載されました。

April 23, 2010
The gallery talk session: Hisaji Hara with a photography critic Kōtarō Iizawa was held at the galley bauhaus, Tokyo on the occasion of the exhibition “A Photographic Portrayal on the Paintings of Balthus II.” (Japanese version) (Click!)
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」(Click!)
「ギャラリー・トーク 原久路×飯沢耕太郎」
gallery bauhaus(Click!)にて開催しました。

April 15, 2010
The Digital Camera Watch magazine ran an interview with Hisaji Hara. (Japanese version) (Click!)
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」が掲載されました。

April 6 – May 22, 2010
[A Photographic Portrayal on the Paintings of Balthus II] at the galley bauhaus, Tokyo. Hara’s individual exhibition. (Japanese version) (Click!)
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」を
gallery bauhaus(Click!)にて開催しました。

April 8, 2010
The Mainichi Shimbun newspaper introduced Hara’s exhibition “A Photographic Portrayal on the Paintings of Balthus II.”
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」
毎日新聞 朝刊 文化欄 [遊ナビ] に掲載されました。

March 31, 2010
The Asahi Shimbun newspaper introduced Hara’s exhibition “A Photographic Portrayal on the Paintings of Balthus II.”
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察 II」
朝日新聞 夕刊 [マリオン情報 美術] に掲載されました。

March 31, 2010
[New Book]
“THIS IS PHOTOGRAPHY! – CHRONICLE 2009” (Japanese version) (Click!)
(Hara’s exhibition at the TOTEM POLE PHOTO GALLERY is in it.)
Author: Kōtarō Iizawa
Publisher: Atelierthird
飯沢耕太郎著 「これが写真だ!クロニクル2009」(Click!)

January 23, 2010
Hara won the first prize at the YOKOHAMA PHOTO FESTIVAL.

January 16 – 17, 2010
Hara participated an open portfolio review of the YOKOHAMA PHOTO FESTIVAL.

November 11, 2009
Photography critic Kōtarō Iizawa wrote a review of Hara’s exhibition in the “artscape” magazine. (Japanese version) (Click!)
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察」のレビューを書いてくださいました。

October 27 – November 1, 2010
[A Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus] at the TOTEM POLE PHOTO GALLERY, Tokyo. (Japanese version) (Click!)
Hara’s individual exhibition.
原久路 写真展「バルテュス絵画の考察」を